A summary appeared in Orientalia, Nova Series 39, 1970, 514-515 R Caplice. Rencontre Assyriologique Paris 2009 goodnewsfromgod.com 67 RAI 2021, Torino, Eating and Drinking in the Ancient Near East O. Eissfeldt, Mesopotamische Elemente in den alphabetischen Texten von Ugarit, Syria 39, 1962, 36-41. Lévolution constante des métiers et de lenvironnement réglementaire rend nécessaire une mise à jour continue du contenu. Published as Aspects du contact suméro-akkadien, Genava, N.S. 8, 1960, 241-314. Published as La Femme dans le Proche-Orient antique. XXXIIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Paris, 7-10 juillet 1986 Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, J-M. Durand ed, Paris A.D.P.F 1987. 31 Leningrad, July 9 13, 1984, Mesopotamia and its Neighbours You are using Internet Explorer 6.0 or older to view the web. Summaries were published in Revue dAssyriologie 50, 1956, 220-221 anonymous, Bibliotheca Orientalis 13, 1956, 178-179 P. Garelli, L. Le Breton and Orientalia, Nova Series 25, 1956, 411-414 A Pohl.
Summaries were published in Revue dAssyriologie 58, 1964, 145-147 A. Spycket, and in Bibliotheca Orientalis 21, 1964, 385-386 K.R Veenhof. Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Vol. 2: City Administration in the Ancient Near East Published as Gesellschaftsklassen im Alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse NF 75, Veröffentlichungen der Kommission zur Erschließung von Keilschrifttexten, Serie A6, D.O. Edzard ed, München 1972. Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire UMR 7219, laboratoire SPHERE No proceedings have been published. The following lectures have appeared as revised articles see Revue dAssyriologie 52, 1958, 109-129: L. Le Breton, De létat de notre connaissance des itinéraires antiques, Revue dAssyriologie 52, 1958, 110-116. .